Names of Team Members:


Lab Sheet for Wuz Happnin?

©1997 by

James P. Riser



Analysis questions (please write your responses in the spaces provided between questions):

1. Describe fully what you observe happening in Movie 1.







2. Describe fully what you see happening in Movie 2.






3 List items that are common in both movies (What is the same about both movies?).




4. List the differences between the two movies.




5. Describe several variables that might cause these differences (What do you think caused the differences?).




6. Using the above information, the wooden frame, weight, and balloon supplied by your instructor (and any other materials that you feel are necessary), design an experiment to duplicate what was seen in the movies.








7. Test your apparatus to determine if it accurately duplicates the actions seen in the movies.

8. Describe the results of your test.





9. If you still need to make modifications to your apparatus, what are they? If you duplicated the actions in the movies, go directly to question 10.





10. Conclusions. Please explain in detail what you feel (based upon experimental evidence) caused the different actions in the two movies. Be complete.