1. Select a team leader. (Your instructor communicates only with these team leaders)
2. Assign tasks to all team members. Divide the work evenly.
3. Organize the team's presentation.
4. Do reference work, take notes, and build bibliography list.
5. Produce your written script for the presentation.
6. Make needed posters, charts, models, computerized illustrations, etc.
7. Create a test to be given as a pretest (to determine what the class knows before your presentation) and to be given as a final test (to determine what the class learned from your presentation).
8. Do presentation. All members of the team are to participate as per your printed script.
9. Grade and record all test scores.
10. Make a graph to indicate the test scores both before and after the presentation (both scores to be on the same graph for easier comparison).
11. Design and create a working Stealth Model for testing. This model must be built to the specifications given to all teams.