The problem:
The problem as I see it is of finances. Teachers are extremely
underpaid and can barely afford a good computer - let alone the
desired software. I have long wanted a good laptop for development
and presentations. Due to finances, that may never happen. No
school district that I ever worked for offered me a computer or
software for development uses. In addition to the cost of the
computer, the software can easily exceed the cost of this computer.
The goal is to obtain software which will let the teacher do the
desired work; but will be inexpensive. This software must all
be legal - nothing pirated! What I have done is to nose around
and collect software which works well for me and allows me to
create the activities that I want for my students. In order to
help other teachers, I have decided to share what I have found.
Since I switched to the PC platform a couple years ago, my software
needs/desires were for that platform only. Many of the software
solutions that I will describe are available for the Mac, too.
My solution:
I will break the software solutions I have uncovered into groups
according to uses:
Videoconferencing - iVisit and CU-SeeMe are
both available free (there is a color commercial version of CU-SeeMe).
Browsers - Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer are
the two main browsers (both free). Also worth consideration is
Opera (shareware $35, I think).
Web page creation - AOLpress will give you powerful WYSIWYG
web publishing (free). The two browsers above will also allow
web page creation. Many ISPs are bundling web page authoring software.
I even have a CD from Earthlink that has a Claris HomePage
Lite on it. Looking around will produce free or cheap solutions.
There are many free HTML authoring programs listed on the web.
WebCam - Webcam 32 ($25) and Ispy (free)
are both good for creating your own webcam site. DigiCam software
(free) will allow you to quickly/easily go to selected webcams
Art and imaging software - Bryce2 (came with a back
issue of PC Format magazine); Fractal Design3 (came with
a back issue of PC Format magazine); FreeHand5 (came with
a back issue of PC Format magazine); IMSI TurboCAD
2D (free); Scion Image (free); Corel 5 (came
bundled free with my computer - has a nice simple animation component);
UTHSCSA Image Tool (free); Adobe Photo Deluxe 2,
Easy Photo 2.7, Photoshop LE (all came bundled with
another software or hardware item); Morph (bundled), Photo
Morph 2 (bundled); Quick & Easy CAD ($10); Qpict32
(free with QuickCam); Imdisp (free), Painter 3 (free).
Digital video - QuickTime 3 ($30); PictureWorks Spin Panorama (bundled); Ulead Photo Express 2 SE, Ulead VideoStudio 3 (bundled with my Dazzle DVC unit); Qmovie32 (free with QuickCam); Real Player Gx (free) , MGI VideoWave Suite II (bundled)
Business - StarOffice Suite 5.2 - this does it all! (free).
Sound editing - Smart Sound for Multimedia (bundled)
System Dynamics - Vensim (free)
File transfer (FTP) - WS_FTP95 LE (free)
Science - Nine Worlds (came with an issue of PC
Format magazine); Skyimage (shareware); Skymap 32
Closing remarks:
In addition to the above I utilize purchased programs such as
Podium, HyperStudio, PageMill, and HomePage.
Looking over the above programs, you will notice that I attempt
to get bundled software whenever possible. Obtaining the very
latest version of software is not a major concern. Often
older versions are given away to tempt users to upgrade. These
older versions usually meet my needs. These older versions are
often included with magazines. These older versions run on older
I hope the above information will help others to obtain useful
and versatile software at affordable prices. Happy hunting.