Videoconferencing is a tool which is becoming widely used in business,
medicine, and education. Until rather recently, the classroom
teacher has been unable to utilize this valuable tool. Since it
is our task as educators to prepare youth for the future, I feel
that it is our duty to try to include some videoconferencing activities
in our offerings to students. With limited budgets for hardware
and software, the activities must be tailored to work within these
limitations. On this web page I shall attempt to share some of
my findings from experimenting with videoconferencing as a teaching
Examples of possible uses for videoconferencing:
Communication exercise - I have used videoconferencing techniques
to help acquaint my students with the problems of communicating
clearly with others. In my classroom/lab I have two teams of two
students each. Teams are seated at opposite ends of the rather
large room (so that they can not see each other). Both teams have
a matching assortment of Lego pieces. One team builds a small
model with the Lego parts. This team describes the model to the
second team which is to recreate it from their Lego parts. The
description to the second team must follow a set of rules.
Examples of this might be:
Team 1 may only type directions and Team 2 may only type questions.
Teams 1 and 2 may both type and send verbal (sound) instructions/questions
Team 1 may utilize video to show the part being used; but must
type or use sound to describe how to use the part in the model.
Team 2 may use video, sound, and typing to ask questions.
Share-a-Skill exercise - For this type of activity I prefer
to communicate between classrooms or even different schools. Students
at one end demonstrate and explain how to do something. Examples
might be: How to properly use a compound microscope or how to
use the triple beam balance. Students at the other end could set
up their microscope or balance, follow instructions, ask questions,
show problems they might be having. This activity would incorporate
video, sound, and text.
Showing what makes your part of the country special - In
this activity students from one part of the country show others
some of the local plants and animals. This is a good time for
my students in Tucson to show living tarantulas, horned toads,
scorpions, cactus, etc. Students in other parts of the country
might demonstrate differences in types of oaks or maples, birds,
etc. This makes for a true information exchange. Remember that
both sides of the conference may show things and ask questions.
Demonstrating how to make an effective science project display
- In this activity older students could demonstrate methods for
building the display.
Cooperative work between teams - This would probably be
the highest level of videoconferencing use in a science lab. Here
teams (there may be more than two) would all be working on the
same project and comparing results/conclusions. An example might
be my "Young Edison Activity" . After agreeing
on what makes "the best light bulb", students from all
over would be trying various filaments, voltages, etc. and comparing
results. This really allows students to get the feel for working
within a world wide team.
Software and hardware considerations:
With videoconferencing speed is everything! You will want the
fastest computer that you can get your hands on. You will want
the fastest internet connection that you can get. My lab is connected
to a T1 line. A fast modem will work; but the sound and video
will suffer (they suffer on a busy T1, too). DSL is a good option.
Connecting rooms on the same trunk of a T1 gives excellent results.
There are small cameras available such as the Connectix QuickCam
which will work nicely. If you are on the PC platform and want
a better setup, you might use the Dazzle DVC unit. This will give
you more flexibility with the images.
Software may be bought or downloaded for free. My favorite of
the free softwares available is iVisit. This software allows
the creation of private conference rooms for multiple users without
the need for a "reflector site". The older free grayscale
version of CU-SeeMe will work for conferences between two
locations. More than two requires a "reflector site".
Going to public reflectors can introduce "inappropriate material/images".
I prefer to avoid such distractions.
All of the softwares will have several possible windows open when
running. There will be the window showing the video that you are
sending out. You may adjust the size and even freeze the action
on this to improve the sound quality. There will be a sound control
window where the volume may be adjusted and the "press to
talk" button resides. There will be video
windows for each person (having a camera turned on) participating
in the conference. There will be a chat window for typing text.
There will also be a list of participants window. The software
is easy to use and setup.
Possible room setups:
A key component to quality video is having enough light on the
subject. BTW - the Connectix QuickCams will only automatically
adjust the light if the preview window is showing! The better
versions of this camera are color and will do an adjustable macro
focus. For better video you will need a separate camera plugged
into a video/sound digitizer. Good
sound might require carpet on the floor and a separate microphone
for each speaker. It is nice if you can project your screen for
others to see. This should be situated so that the "talent"
is looking toward the camera while they are also seeing the others
in the conference.
Teacher exchanges:
Videoconferencing allows teachers within a school district or
even around the world to exchange ideas, activities, and work
together on projects. Members of the NASA Classroom of the
Future 2001 Master Teacher Cadre regularly get together to
work out common concerns over iVisit. We set up our own
password protected conference room and it is really nice to "see"
each other again.
Final thoughts:
If you decide to incorporate videoconferencing activities into
your program, just be certain that you put together educationally
sound activities. I hope to see you on iVisit someday.