Some info to refute little Jake's claims on The Magic Cafe....
Here is a jpg of my original prototype double layer tapered chop cup I made sometime in the fall of 2002.
It is pictured on several versions of my metal spinning CD-ROM as an example of tapered cup and how it was made was not explained as I did not feel the need to expose the double layers nor the sandwiched magnet. The micro chop cups are also shown being made; but not the part with the magnet. No need for unnecessary exposure.
This is the properties box from one of the images of this cup that I transferred from one of my hard drives.
Notice the "Modified" date and time. In order to modify the image (crop and compress) it for my CD-ROM, I needed to modify it. This is the date it was modified for inclusion on my CD-ROM.
Obviously, if it was modified on October 17, 2002 and included on my CD-ROM, it was made before this modification.
This will come as bad news for little Jake.
I have offered documentation regarding this item. All momma's little darling has come up with is a fuzzy image and tons of verbiage. Excess verbiage does not make right. Obviously, any dates I can document will be refuted by this spoiled little boy who seems so used to getting his own way. If I document an earlier date, he will change his claims to an earlier time period - to even before his business existed. Since no one really cares, I'll let it go with this info. If Jakey personally made all of the items he sells, he would not have so much free time for keying in his excess verbiage.
Now Jakey writes this..."Well that's really interesting Jim. However we were already making the liner Don Alans in 2002 to release in 2003. Funny however that it is the exact same shape of a Don Alan with no dresslines. The picture we posted is the tooling we use for ours, funny your shape is the same as our stubby Don, interesting as well in 2003 you were asking Mike Brazill at Magic In the Rockys how we accomplished the liner. Myself and another crafter that was attending Magic in the Rockys stood there and listened to you query Brazill for 20 minutes on the method used on the Don Alan."
FYI - I have never been to Magic in the Rockys and had no way of knowing what he might have had in the works. You and your other crafter are both full of it. Show me your proof that I ever attended a Magic in the Rockys. You can not because it never happened. Nor did I steal anything of yours. If you had an eye for design, you would know that the design of my Riser Shorty Chop Cup is not a copy of anything your firm made, but, rather merely my Riser Traditionals cup made a little shorter! Same spinning chuck used for a different spinning. Sheesh, Jake, you are pathetic. Your feeble attempt at character assassination is so full of holes that it is comical.
Jake is still insisting on his lie about talking with me at a Magic in the Rockys convention.!
I do not go to magic conventions - period. I never have and probably
never will go to a magic convention. You never spoke with me anywhere
and I challenge you to prove that you did! Check the Magic in
the Rockys registration list for whatever year you want to lie
about. I'll not be on it. If you want to spread lies about me,
at least make them partly believable! Prove it, Jake! Show the
proof or shut up!
BTW - I can show an image of the Riser Shorty Innocent slid on the Riser traditionals chuck. You do not know what you are talking about. As for the date on the image above, it can be confirmed from images on my metal spinning CD-ROM - which was issued with several views of the cup. These views varied with the version of the CD-ROM. This CD-ROM has been sold to people all over the world (except South America).
Here is an image of what Jake would have people believe that I can not do - spin a Riser Shorty on the Riser Traditional Cups spinning chuck. You will note that things are exactly as I said. The whole length of the chuck is not used. This is a standard spinning technique - apparently something Jake would know nothing about. By the time the mouth bead is closed, the cup is quite a bit shorter than the Traditional Cup - hence the name "Shorty".
The latest attempt at character assassination by little Jake (on the Magic Cafe Forum - beginning August 21,2006)...
Apparently Jake feels his previous attempts to make me look bad were ineffective. So, now he is attempting to describe me as a big "exposer" in magic because I show a few things on my web site that he does not want people to see.
A little background...ever since I have been involved in magic (50+ years), I have seen effects cleverly described and expertly illustrated by an artist. Once the items were purchased, they were found to be crap. This was and continues to be blatant false advertising; but people in magic accept the practice (claiming that the "secret" is what is being sold). Ask to buy the item only without the secret and see the response you will get. I do not accept this method of marketing and believe customers have every right to see what they are buying before forking over their hard earned money. Therefore, I clearly show what is being sold.
Many of the items I make are rather expensive and I show what is involved in making them so that magicians better understand why such items are costly. In addition, I show my manufacturing techniques to document them - to establish what and when I was doing these things. This is to prevent momma's little darlings from trying to claim originality to something they did not develop. I do this for my own protection and will continue doing so. I can document my items and techniques with confirmable dates - hard evidence. If Jake can not stand the fact that I can prove my dates, that's his problem.
Now, for something interesting...while Jakey has been attempting to describe me as an "exposer" and stating that he never does such things, he is currently (August 24, 2006) selling on ebay an Owen item with an image clearly displaying the gimmick
Hmmm, it certainly seems like Jakey is exposing here. What a hypocrite!
The ulterior motive of Jake's is still to assassinate my character by what ever means he can and to keep me from documenting my methods (so that he might claim them as his?). This really says more about Jake than me.
Jake's latest is threatening me for showing the above image clearly documenting where he exposed the gimmick for an Owen version of the rising cards effect. Rather than change his exposing behavior he threatens me with copyright violation for using the image. I really pity anyone who feels a need to deal with such ilk. Apparently he does not want proof to exist of his exposing Owen apparatus workings. Even though use of the image is covered under "fair use", I have removed it out of respect for Owen Magic Supreme - not Jakey.
Click here to go to my Musings web page for more examples of little Jake's antics.