Wuz Happnin?
©1997 by
James P. Riser
Background information:
This lab was created as a follow up to a demonstration by Glenna
for the NASA Classroom of the Future 2001 Master Teacher Cadre
program during the summer of 1997. It has been designed for middle
school students. This is an experimental use of the Internet to
deliver lessons. Perhaps you will find it useful.
Note: The original lab activity can be found on page 31 of
the NASA "Microgravity Teacher's Guide With Activities for
Physical Science" under the title "Free Fall Demonstrator".
I designed this activity to present opportunities for students
to practice:
- Utilizing technology for analysis
- Making qualitative observations
- Identifying variables
- Making inferences
- Making hypotheses
- Designing an experiment
- Predicting outcome of an experiment
- Testing hypotheses
- Redesigning experiment and retesting hypotheses
- Formulating conclusions
Materials to be supplied by the instructor:
- wooden frame(s)
- metal cylinder(s) with pin on top and connectors for weight
- balloons
Please send feedback on this activity to: James
P. Riser
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Lab Sheet
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P. Riser's home pages.