The Ed Keener Cups

Copyright 2009 by James P. Riser

(Photographed in or around 2005 while still owned by Ed)

We have Ed's permission to post these and here's the story behind the cups;

The cups are made of aluminum and were purchased by Ed here in the U.S. (Manufacturer unknown - Ed has since forgotten) Carl & Lotte Hemeon of Canada were very good friends of the Keeners. At some time when Ed was visiting Carl in Canada, Carl asked if he could have the cups engraved as a gift to Ed. Ed agreed and Carl took them to a jeweler / engraver in Carl's hometown. The engraver finished the cups and was so impressed with the way they turned out, that he asked Carl to secure him a set of similar cups. Carl obliged the jeweler and the jeweler engraved himself a duplicate set of cups to put in his store window as a display of the quality of engraving that could be done at that store. (Yes, that means there is another set floating around!)

So, there are, to the best of Ed's knowledge, only two sets of cups in the world so engraved! Ed's Cup & Ball routine was one of the best I have ever seen, and he has fooled more than a few top workers with a couple of his moves. His finale loads included the balls you see pictured plus a shot glass - which he drank down and then an instantly lit sparkler from under the center cup, which w/ the red, white and blue jumbo balls made a very patriotic display! Audiences have been seen to LEAP to their feet at the conclusion.

Ed never tipped anything as to methods.

Enjoy the photos.









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