The Stones of Tutankhamun
(a cooperative magical creation of James Riser and
Doug Gorman)
Web page copyright 2005 by James P.
Photos copyright 2005 by Doug Gorman
New!!! Click
here to see a streaming video of "The Stones"
NOTE: The items shown here are
the 2005 version of this effect. All of the 2004 sets were sold
within the first month or so. As with the 2004 model, only one
run of these will be made during the year.
The Stones of Tutankhamun
(A routine for the ball vase by Doug Gorman with
hand turned wooden props by James Riser)
Two ball vases are introduced, along with two colored stones:
one white and one black. A stone is put in front of each vase.
The lids are removed to show the balls match the colors of the
stones. The balls are put in the performers pockets, but
they immediately return to their respective vases. The stones
locations are switched. When the lids are removed, the balls have
transposed to match the stones in front of the vases! The balls
are again pocketed. The stones are returned to their original
locations. When the lids are removed, the balls have returned,
again following their respective stones! One last time, the balls
are pocketed. The black and white stones are rubbed vigorously
between the palms. When they are dropped to the table, they have
turned red! The lids are removed from the vases, and the balls
have returned again, but this time they, too, are both red!
You receive two Riser ball vases: one in purpleheart
and one in hard maple. You also receive six balls and four colored
stones, plus a DVD and written instructions for the routine. Please
note that no shells are included, as they are not needed for the
Price is $325 + $6.50 shipping in the US ($15.50
foreign shipping by Global Priority Mail).
If you have been preapproved,
you may click here to order by credit card. Add
The Stones of Tutankhamun to CCNow Cart
New!!! Click
here to see a streaming video of "The Stones"
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magical woodturning page.