Welcome to the
James P. Riser
Educational Resource Pages.....
Some background info:
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have
been involved in many technology related projects. Due to my rather
unusual way of looking at things, I have been able to take what
I received from these projects and convert it into full blown
science related activities for my students. As a member of the
NASA Classroom of the Future (COTF)
2001 Master Teacher Cadre, I am committed to sharing
what I have learned with other teachers. These web pages have
been created so that other teachers might bring the excitement
of learning through the use of technology to their students. Now
that I have retired from actively teaching, I am especially committed
to seeing that what I started will not become lost forever. In
my classroom I often utilized several of the activities directly
from the web - allowing students to locate the pages and print
out what they might need. This capability can be utilized for
many other activities. Lab sheets, images, movies, etc. may all
be stored on the web and called up as needed.
You may click on any of the following links to go to the
various topics listed: